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module EasyPopulate


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Hi !!! I have question . Whether module EasyPopulate it reads files .txt and .xls with return to base reloading her state? If so I have this question how to put this because it near standadowej of configuration creates me only files in catalogue of PACES it altering the state of database. And someone can there is module to easier change of quantity of products and prices.

I am sorry for my English but I use program translator

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Hi !!!  I have question . Whether module EasyPopulate it reads files .txt and .xls with return to base reloading her state? If so I have this question how to put this  because it near standard of configuration creates me only files  in catalogue of PACES it altering the state of database. And someone can there is module to easier change of quantity of products and prices.

I am sorry for my English but I use program translator

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi !!! I have question . Whether module EasyPopulate it reads files .txt and .xls with return to base reloading her state? If so I have this question how to put this because it near standadowej of configuration creates me only files in catalogue of PACES it altering the state of database. And someone can there is module to easier change of quantity of products and prices.

I am sorry for my English but I use program translator


Please try without the translator. I cannot understand what you meant.



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