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Boxes table


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I realize I have a lot to learn about altering the appearence of the shop but so far boxes is the only thing giving me a really hard time.


How do I change the table layout of the boxes?

(right now the heading has 3 horizontal cell including head line and .gif's I want only 1 cell)


I have been looking through classes/boxes.php and if this is where I'm supposed to alter the table layout, I'm lost and deperately need help.

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You are looking in the right place ... /classes/boxes.php


Look for 'function infoBoxHeading' at about line 101

The heading in an info box is made up of 3 cells: a gif for the left corner, the heading text ($contents parameter), and a gif for the right corner. The $left_corner and $right_corner parameters govern the type of gif placed there respectively. There can also be an right-facing arrow placed in the 3rd cell in front of the corner gif (depending upon the $right_arrow parameter).

Where it sets 'info_box_contents{} = array(array( ....' is where it loads up what will become the contents of the 3 heading cells. The construction of the actual html is higher up in the 'function tableBox(...' section at line 23 onwards.

If you want to have an info box heading consisting of a single cell simply remove 2 of the array elements from the '$info_box_contents[] = ...' statement so that your code becomes something like

$info_box_contents[] = array(array('params' => 'width="100%" height="14" class="infoBoxHeading"',

   'text' => $contents[0]['text']));

Obviously if you want a different style, or height, or an image, or whatever, you need to adjust the array contents accordingly.

Regards, Wizzud

"It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."

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