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The e-commerce.

Product not found


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That's funny!


I installed OSCommerce and worked with it.. no problems: Suddenly I lost two products?


But there are still in admin, and everything is ok (description and image exist), but they can't be found in the catalog






why can this happen?


with best regards and many thx


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In admin, is the status of the product green or red? If it's red it's disabled and you should click the green dot to enable it.

In olden times the men were made of iron and the ships were made of wood; now it's the other way around. :wink:

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make sure the Check stock level is set to false and Substract stock is false as well. in admin->configuratuion->stock.


Or if you need to watch for your stock, then just go into into Product properties to see if is out of stock... Then add more into Product Quantity field

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