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Changed server type, and migrating site.. need help.

James Schofield

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I have moved to a c-panel linux host from my old linux host.


I need to migrate my store.


I have seemed to have gotten things moved ok.


I changed configure.php to point to the new subdomain I am using for testing.


I can get the store to be seen and running.


But I cannot access admin.


I was told that it was the configure.php in /admin/includes - I modified that as well.. but that has not fixed my issue.


temp.docksidechandlery.com is my subdomain I am trying to get working.  If I do then I will just switch the domain over.. but maybe I am further ahead to switch the domain over.. then I dont have to modify config files. I dont want to risk downtime.


Hope some can help. I can be on live chat most weekdays 10am to 5pm EST.


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also check the htaccess file in the admin folder, if you used htaccess based password access for your admin the code will most likely look for a non existing password file on the new server.

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The point Nick is making is that you can't simply blindly copy over files associated with password-protecting the admin directory. You have to go in and look at the .htaccess and related files it references, and update them with the new directory paths, file names, etc. as necessary. Depending on differences in the server levels and configurations (password hash used, etc.), you might even have to start over with the step of password-protecting the admin, rather than just copying and tweaking files. If your host offers "password protect a directory" in the account control panel, you might consider using that instead.

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ok, well .. my host is not oscommerce savy, and they only will do something with it for a fee.. I am trying to keep this on the low for now. What would I need to change with respect to .htaccess to make it work?


SOmeone said the config file in the /admin/includes - I changed paths there.. what else do I need to change?



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OK, something I think I have just run into.. which I think will put a halt on OScommerce for me. Does 2.3.1 need to run on php 5.2? can it run on 5.3?


I found all my paths etc.. now I have a new issue, and it looks to me to be a php issue.


Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in /home/dockside4476/public_html/oscommerce/catalog/includes/functions/database.php on line 19

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ok, pushing through.. everything is now working.. except I have a security issue on my admin 


Warning: http_build_query(): Parameter 1 expected to be Array or Object. Incorrect value given in /home/dockside4476/public_html/oscommerce/catalog/admin/login.php on line 63


Unable to determine the page link!

Function used:

tep_href_link('', '', 'NONSSL')

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OK, something I think I have just run into.. which I think will put a halt on OScommerce for me. Does 2.3.1 need to run on php 5.2? can it run on 5.3?


I found all my paths etc.. now I have a new issue, and it looks to me to be a php issue.


Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in /home/dockside4476/public_html/oscommerce/catalog/includes/functions/database.php on line 19

As far as I know, 2.3.1 will run on PHP 5.3, although I won't swear to it.


mysql_connect() is the first MySQL call from osC. It sounds like your PHP installation was built without MySQL support. Hopefully it has MySQLi support built in, in which case you should upgrade to 2.3.4 (it's multiple steps, but should preserve add-ons and customizations). Or, you can install a fresh 2.3.4 and migrate your data over, and then recustomize your store. If it doesn't have MySQLi support, better have a talk with your host. They may have overlooked installing some level of MySQL. Run the script (program)

<?php phpinfo(); ?>

and see what it says you have available for MySQL.


From your other thread, you're running a heavily modified osC 2.2? I think you're going to keep running into problems trying to patch up that old thing. At some point, the pain of patching code outweighs the convenience of not making a version upgrade. Best to jump to 2.3.4, bring your old data along, and start looking at customizing your store to how you want it. At least you'll have a working store in the meantime.

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no I am running 2.3.1 - and yes there are some mods involved.


The final issue I seem to be running into is nothing but an issue for the admin, as far as I can tell, it simply does not move from the login screen to the dashboard correctly, it logs the correct person in, and I cannot get to the dashboard without have the right credentials.


SO, if this does not work out then no big deal.


still trying though.

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ok, still would like this fixed.. but found another issue with the migration.


I use a mod called -- call for price. Which is fine.


But since I have migrated all my prices that I did have set are now showing up in the store as 0  .. not $0.. just 0


I have searched the forum, but nothing so far.



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