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Using schema.org for shipping price


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After receiving a warning from Google Shopping about shipping prices in feed not matching the shipping price in Google Merchant Center (GMC).


I use a custom shipping price per product shipping module. It's more sophisticated than what's available in GMC.


After talking to support, they said it's possible to use microdata to communicate your shipping prices to Google. 


So has anyone successfully accomplished this?


Thanks for any help.

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Hmm...I thought they allow table rate...I know they allow real time data feed via microdata, and I see that really benefit availability. But how are you going to know the real shipping cost if it is also a function of destination? I watched Google manually came in and used different accounts with different destinations to verify my shipping charge.


Now, if all fails, you can always overestimate the shipping in your feed so you are not in violations of their requirements.

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I'm waiting to see if Google can detect my shipping charges through microdata. The specialist say it could take 24-72 hours to see if changes take effect. In fact, they do allow table rate. According to the specialist, microdata on pages override the settings in Google Merchant Center.


My shipping setup is a flat rate that applies to the entire country no matter the destination. However, I have the ability to adjust shipping costs for individual products.


After talking to the specialist, I'm thinking microdata is the future of communicating between websites and search engine bots. It's fast coming too.

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