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Responsive without Bootstrap or iOSC


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I have had a problem, 19 months ago I updated my site to the latest OSC version, then updated to 2.3.4, installing a list of modifications as long as your arm along the way - my site runs like clockwork with all the features I need.


Then along came google and started demoting non responsive sites on its mobile search results - what to do?


at the time my options were:


1) Abandon my site and start on a new 2.3.4 Bootstrap Site - but most of my mods would require major work to function on the BS framework.

2) Install the iOSC mod


I downloaded and started playing with 2.3.4BS Edge, but for me it was going to be too steep a learning curve, and I needed the mods which were unavailable for BS.


My original site included MTS which has just been released with a new responsive template, which was a godsend for me, as it means that I can make my existing site responsive, which I have done with only about 3 hours work updating to the latest version of MTS - and the best part is, all my existing functionality and appearance (in desktop view anyway) remains unchanged.


Even Google likes the result:




So now there is an alternative to starting again using BS or installing the iOSC modification


If anyone wants to take a look at the site just drop me a pm for the link.





Now running on a fully modded, Mobile Friendly 2.3.4 Store with the Excellent MTS installed - See my profile for the mods installed ..... So much thanks for all the help given along the way by forum members.

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