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Simple Flat Shipping Rate for Any Address Outside US?


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Is there a simple way to have one flat rate for any address in the US, and another for any address not in the US? I don't want to have to configure 50+ US tax zones and 195+ zones for other countries. I've searched for this, and can't find it.


It seems like a simple idea, but has anybody accomplished it? It can be stated very economically:


If ship-to country is not US, then only show rate = $15.00


Any help would be appreciated!



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Shipping and taxes are two very different things. Normally you only have one tax zone (your state). Shipping depends on how much it costs. Are you saying that you can ship anywhere in the world for a flat rate, and

  1. not lose money on any of them (actually costs more than $15), or
  2. not lose customers with excessive shipping charges (e.g., they know it only costs $2.50 for them)

You might have to modify the flat rate routine to show one rate in US, and another rate for non-US.

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Hi Phil,


Yes, the flat rate for shipping to any address outside the US is $15. The rate for shipping within the US varies according to weight. What we're looking for is as stated: any ship-to address that is not in the US is $15, flat rate. Any ideas about how to do that with any of the shipping modules?



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