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Categories Box Not my Website!


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On my site which is still in development I noticed that the categories box is showing links to categories on someone elses website! Everything else works fine. This is very strange, I think someone might have hacked my site. The links are for a computer store in New Zealand. Has anyone heard of this?

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This is because of a fault in OSCommerce's cache processing and using a virtual server. Instead of using unique names for the cache files, OSC uses standardized names which cause the problem you are experiencing.


The solution is to make sure that the TMP directory is within your own space on the webserver. It doesn't have to be within the webroot per se but it does have to be in your home directory. To change this go to your OSC control panel and click on Configuration, Cache and edit the directory listing.


This could be fixed in the default program to be made relative to the installation directory. Hopefully, the developers will correct this before someone loses a lot of money because of this error.

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Thanks guys, I was using the tmp folder in the server root. I now have changed it to the tmp in my home directory. :D

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