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hello Gang--looking for a contest script


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I want to put a contest on my web site and I can't find a script anywhere..

does anyone know where I can find one.

Thank you

Naomi :D

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yes I searched and searched using google through netscape.

and so I went through google and the only one I found was a pearl script..


I don't know how to install a pearl script..

can someone help or tell me where I can find a php contest script


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did you open this site up.. From what i read --- this is a whole site..

like OS--not just one program.. I did look at that.. but I was hoping for something I could use with os.. as I said I am a beginner and wouldn't know how to break it down and also their demo page isn't working..



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What site?


The above link is just to hotscripts. I know of a perl script called EventHandler that is really good but it's not something that you can just to drop into osC.


However a contest-hack would be a contrib to have.

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