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About trikinuke

  • Birthday 02/13/1975

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  1. Hola Jorge, una pregunta, he leido las instrucciones de instalacion pero ¿como lo hago si quiero conservar las tablas de phpBB en una BBDD aparte? Gracias.
  2. Easy. You need to upload spanish language files to your server. This files: includes/languages/espanol/pdf_catalogue_info.php includes/languages/espanol/pdf_define_intro.php includes/languages/espanol/pdf_download_katalog.php
  3. index.php and products_info.php are changed, Anybody does know which more files are recommend to be HTSEOed? All?
  4. Thank you for your response. Yes, it was the problem. I don't know why because any HTC addon was never installed in this shop and therefore I don't know why were these three functions in general.php, but ok.
  5. Hello, I trusted in your contribution and choosed this one instead of Header Tags Controller. The unique problem i have found is that I had to remove (or /*comment*/) (or rename) the next functions: -tep_get_products_head_title_tag -tep_get_products_head_desc_tag -tep_get_products_head_keywords_tag in admin/includes/functions/header_tags_general.php, where each one is used in admin/categories.php, and I had to remove then because Admin site does not work (500 Error). I have realized that, for example, tep_get_products_head_title_tag is used only one time: <?php echo tep_draw_textarea_field('products_head_title_tag[' . $languages[$i]['id'] . ']', 'soft', '70', '5', (isset($products_head_title_tag[$languages[$i]['id']]) ? stripslashes($products_head_title_tag[$languages[$i]['id']]) : tep_get_products_head_title_tag($pInfo->products_id, $languages[$i]['id']))); ?> But I don't know why this causes error. Of course have read the instructions and tested several times but any result. Can you help me? In another shop I have header tags controller, and because of both addons are not compatible, I read that there is a script or instructions for convert all the old code from HTC to your addon, where is it if I want to convert? Thanks.
  6. Please e-mail me to [email protected] for help you. It will be very easy to fix. Are you portuguese?

  7. hello, saw its contribution "Opções.as.HYPERLINK Images v2.0"

    menu instruction has the file "F" to edit "/ languages / product_info.php on the instructions below but has not said what to do with this file, installed it and am having difficulty, or the options will not appear on the products, help

  8. Suddenly it works! Have copied your last quoted code and all ok. Tested hidding some item, it dissapears, then logging as a member for a specific group and it becomes public. Thank you very much. Some things you told me I didn't understand, due to my level of english. By the way, the work isn't still finished, now I have to expand your code to modules like featured products and DHTML categories (the categories box in the left column, which is not the original from OsCo as you know). It would be a good idea creating a new version of your great addon, dealing some modules from other famous contribs. If I get it, I will share these codes. Best regards.
  9. This contribution is used by hundreds of developers and I imagine if every people has the same problem, I think so, because I think that I have followed the steps properly (correctly), cos' the changes in this php file is only these few lines, very easy, very quickly, in comparisson with for eg. admin/categories, which has a lot of code lines modified. I wonder if the rest of developers have realized that instances are repeated. Jan, I tried with your code but it still drop a SQL error. Have you an alternative? Thank you. Regards.
  10. Have been tested a lot of combinations and nothing. select p.products_id, ... ... new splitPageResults($products_new_query_raw, MAX_DISPLAY_PRODUCTS_NEW, 'products_id'); ________________________________________________________________________________________________ select p.products_id, ... ... new splitPageResults($products_new_query_raw, MAX_DISPLAY_PRODUCTS_NEW, products_id); ________________________________________________________________________________________________ select distinct p.products_id, ... ... new splitPageResults($products_new_query_raw, MAX_DISPLAY_PRODUCTS_NEW); ________________________________________________________________________________________________ select distinct p.products_id, ... ... new splitPageResults($products_new_query_raw, MAX_DISPLAY_PRODUCTS_NEW, 'products_id'); ________________________________________________________________________________________________ select distinct p.products_id, ... ... new splitPageResults($products_new_query_raw, MAX_DISPLAY_PRODUCTS_NEW, products_id); ________________________________________________________________________________________________ select distinct* p.products_id, ... ... new splitPageResults($products_new_query_raw, MAX_DISPLAY_PRODUCTS_NEW); ________________________________________________________________________________________________ select distinct * p.products_id, ... ... new splitPageResults($products_new_query_raw, MAX_DISPLAY_PRODUCTS_NEW); ________________________________________________________________________________________________ select distinct* p.products_id, ... ... new splitPageResults($products_new_query_raw, MAX_DISPLAY_PRODUCTS_NEW, 'products_id'); How is possible no one else had the same problem?
  11. Still not working... 1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '*) as total from products p left join manufacturers m on (p.manufacturers_id = ' at line 1 select count(distinct *) as total from products p left join manufacturers m on (p.manufacturers_id = m.manufacturers_id), products_description pd left join products_to_categories p2c using(products_id) left join categories c using(categories_id) where p.products_status = '1' and p.products_id = pd.products_id and pd.language_id = '3' and find_in_set('0', products_hide_from_groups) = 0 and find_in_set('0', categories_hide_from_groups) = 0
  12. Hello, I have installed "hide_products_and_categories_v203" for hide products to some groups and there is a problem in products_new.php. The changes are: Line 57 **REPLACE** $products_new_query_raw = "select p.products_id, pd.products_name, p.products_image, p.products_price, p.products_tax_class_id, p.products_date_added, m.manufacturers_name from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " p left join " . TABLE_MANUFACTURERS . " m on (p.manufacturers_id = m.manufacturers_id), " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION . " pd where p.products_status = '1' and p.products_id = pd.products_id and pd.language_id = '" . (int)$languages_id . "' order by p.products_date_added DESC, pd.products_name"; **WITH** // BOF Separate Pricing Per Customer, hide products and categories from groups if (isset($_SESSION['sppc_customer_group_id']) && $_SESSION['sppc_customer_group_id'] != '0') { $customer_group_id = $_SESSION['sppc_customer_group_id']; } else { $customer_group_id = '0'; } $products_new_query_raw = "select p.products_id, pd.products_name, p.products_image, p.products_price, p.products_tax_class_id, p.products_date_added, m.manufacturers_name from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " p left join " . TABLE_MANUFACTURERS . " m on (p.manufacturers_id = m.manufacturers_id), " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION . " pd left join " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_TO_CATEGORIES . " p2c using(products_id) left join " . TABLE_CATEGORIES . " c using(categories_id) where p.products_status = '1' and p.products_id = pd.products_id and pd.language_id = '" . (int)$languages_id . "' and find_in_set('".$customer_group_id."', products_hide_from_groups) = 0 and find_in_set('" . $customer_group_id . "', categories_hide_from_groups) = 0 order by p.products_date_added DESC, pd.products_name"; // EOF Separate Pricing Per Customer, hide products and categories from groups The only problem is in the query, is that products that are copied to other categories (not cloned, but have instances in other categories) are repeated in the list! You can see this: http://www.modeltronic.es/products_new.php, for example you can see a brushless engine repeated 3 times, more below, the 62054 wheels repeated 4 times! Can you help me? I'm spanish-spoken, so sorry by my english.
  13. Hello! I have been searching posts related to this contribution but nothing found. This addon, http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/94 Doesn't work! I downloaded last version and generates a lot of problems. Many. I have installed several addons which were incomplete, poorly explained, had errors, ... and studing the code & allocate error points I always got them working at last, but I have never seen any addon that made so problems like it. Have been more than 1 hour changing code and there's no way for resolve php and SQL syntax errors. Also, the addon only gives files for replace and there aren't instructions for install step to step. I wrote an e-mail to the author but he didn't answered. Anybody uses this contribution efficiently? Is there any support thread? Thank you.
  14. Mirror images don't respect original images sizes. Version 2.0 has been created but has still the same problem. Anybody can give a solution? Is that in the inner code of Flash? Thanks.
  15. Ladies and gentlemen, wysiwyg editors are a certification shit. Or something wrong am doing? I started installing Tiny and it worked fatally. The page is late in loading, it gets blocked during several seconds. Consulting forums, many people suffered the same thing, slow load. There's more, when updating the product information, HTML code is changed, tags like: alt="" (I know what's this) are created magically, end tags (">") transform into " />" and, where it was "></td>" it gets changed to ">;nbsp;</td>". I tried with FCK. The same. Slow load of the edit page, blocking my navigator, and doesn't respect my advertisements, changes code parts and so on, and nothing look well. I have searched and searched and spent so many hours than anybody can imagine, have made jugglings changing codes, have installed more than 8 different editors: freerte_v1, openwysiwyg_v1.4.7, tiny_mce, wymeditor, etc... and all have the same behaviour. I dont' know if you too, but I had would love to get it working properly and avoid, copy plain text--->paste in Dreamweaver/Frontpage,...--->change code--->copy--->paste in admin textarea--->Save the changes. But nothing, there's no way.
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