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Links Manager II

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To update, you need to following the update instructions included in the contribution. You page link problem may be due to the Search Engine Friendly option being set in admin.



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Im having a strange problem..


I did a fresh first time install, believe I got it all right. Admin section looks ok. But when on the links.php page and you click on a catagory (1 of 5 presently)

it brings you to this: http://my_domain.net/links.php/parentid/0/lPath/1 - note the parent id thing.


So clicking on a catagory does not take me any further just refreshes the page not taking you anywhere from the categories page.


When a link is approved and you get the email stating .."to view you link click ..." that brings you to the correct page to view the link.. pardon I trashed the email but the path showed .. link?!path..etc not the /parentid/ thing like above.


So of course Im wondering what i did wrong or if I left something out.

Any help is appreciated and this looks like a fantastic contribution.

Thanks Jack. :blink:


Also the images are not showing for the Catagoies Images, set to true btw.

Edited by CD Monster

Music is body splash for the soul.

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I'm not seeing either problem here. Did you copy all of the files in the contribution to your server?



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Hi, I'm hoping that someone can help me with this problem.


I have Links Manager v1.17 installed and it seems to be working correctly apart from one little error.


It occurs in admin/links.php


Basically, I go to the links page and click on 'edit' to modify the link. When they edit page displays, i get an 'error on page' message at the bottom of the browser.


Error =



Char: 57

Error: Syntax error


This error seems to be causing a problem with my link description text area. If i modify the description and click update. I doesn't save my changes.


I'm an oscommerce novice so i'm hoping someone can help me fix this.


Here is the code to my links.php




<!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<html dir="ltr" lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="includes/stylesheet.css">
<script language="javascript" src="includes/general.js"></script>
<script language="javascript"><!--

function check_form() {
 var error = 0;
 var error_message = "Errors have occured during the process of your form!\nPlease make the following corrections:\n\n";

 var links_title = document.links.links_title.value;
 var links_url = document.links.links_url.value;
 var links_category = document.links.links_category.value;
 var links_description = document.links.links_description.value;
 var links_image_url = document.links.links_image_url.value;
 var links_contact_name = document.links.links_contact_name.value;
 var links_contact_email = document.links.links_contact_email.value;
     var links_reciprocal_url = document.links.links_reciprocal_url.value;

 if (links_title == "" || links_title.length < 2) {
   error_message = error_message + "* " + "Link title must contain a minimum of 2 characters." + "\n";
   error = 1;

 if (links_url == "" || links_url.length < 10) {
   error_message = error_message + "* " + "URL must contain a minimum of 10 characters." + "\n";
   error = 1;

 if (links_category == "" || links_category.length < 1>) {
   error_message = error_message + "* " + "A Category is required." + "\n";
   error = 1;

 if (links_description == "" || links_description.length < 10) {
   error_message = error_message + "* " + "Description must contain a minimum of 10 characters." + "\n";
   error = 1;

 if (links_description == "" || links_description.length > 200) {
   error_message = error_message + "* " + "Description must contain less than 200 characters." + "\n";
   error = 1;

 if (links_contact_name == "" || links_contact_name.length < 2) {
   error_message = error_message + "* " + "Your Full Name must contain a minimum of 2 characters." + "\n";
   error = 1;

 if (links_contact_email == "" || links_contact_email.length < 6) {
   error_message = error_message + "* The 'E-Mail Address' entry must have at least 6 characters.\n";
   error = 1;

  if (links_reciprocal_url == "" || links_reciprocal_url.length < 10) {
   error_message = error_message + "* " + "Reciprocal page must contain a minimum of 10 characters." + "\n";
   error = 1;

 if (error == 1) {
   return false;
 } else {
   return true;
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<input type="text" name="links_image_url" value="http://" maxlength="255"></td>        
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I'm not seeing either problem here. Did you copy all of the files in the contribution to your server?




Hi Jack, yes I just finshed triple checking that the files where all uploaded and reinstalled the database.

Still get the same paths of :


http:/my-domain.net/links.php/parentid/0/lPath/1 when clicking on a catagory.




I see parentid is present in code but dont understand why the carry over. Again the email sends the correct link to the posters link.


I really want to use this.


Thanks again.

Music is body splash for the soul.

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Hi, I'm hoping that someone can help me with this problem.


I have Links Manager v1.17 installed and it seems to be working correctly apart from one little error.


It occurs in admin/links.php


Basically, I go to the links page and click on 'edit' to modify the link. When they edit page displays, i get an 'error on page' message at the bottom of the browser.


Error =



Char: 57

Error: Syntax error


This error seems to be causing a problem with my link description text area. If i modify the description and click update. I doesn't save my changes.

If you are not using the supplied links file, you should try that. If you are, then try adding a new link with just basic text. If that works,

then it is something in the link you have added that is causing the problem.



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Hi Jack, yes I just finshed triple checking that the files where all uploaded and reinstalled the database.

Still get the same paths of :


http:/my-domain.net/links.php/parentid/0/lPath/1 when clicking on a catagory.




I see parentid is present in code but dont understand why the carry over. Again the email sends the correct link to the posters link.


I really want to use this.


Thanks again.

It might be something in how you have it setup. Try deleting all links and categories and just adding one of each.



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It might be something in how you have it setup. Try deleting all links and categories and just adding one of each.




Much appreciated, I tried that after triple checking the files, reinstalling database updates, cleared links and cats, made a new cat. and link, I get the same thing.. the




Im using a bought template so I dont know if there's something funky going on there??

I guess the links.php parentid references dont have something to do with it.. again the email notices link it fine. ?? :'(


Music is body splash for the soul.

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You could try installng a clean shop into a sub-directory and installing Links Manager into it. If it works, then it is either the template or something with the installing in your main shop. Other than that, I can't think of anything else to suggest.



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If you are not using the supplied links file, you should try that. If you are, then try adding a new link with just basic text. If that works,

then it is something in the link you have added that is causing the problem.




Hi, Jack


Yes i'm using the supplied links file and i'm just using basic text. Even if i try to add a new link i get teh error.


I am using Tinymce for my textareas but i get the same error with or without it installed.


One thing i have noticed is that I get the error in IE7, but not in Firefox.


Do you have any other ideas?





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To update, you need to following the update instructions included in the contribution. You page link problem may be due to the Search Engine Friendly option being set in admin.





Thats what I was saying was so strange I didnt change anything.. .It worked then all of a sudden it gives me the can not find link error.


I downloaded the new version link manager 11 but there is no update file for the 1.15 to the new version. Any suggestions?

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Hi, Jack


Yes i'm using the supplied links file and i'm just using basic text. Even if i try to add a new link i get teh error.


I am using Tinymce for my textareas but i get the same error with or without it installed.


One thing i have noticed is that I get the error in IE7, but not in Firefox.


Do you have any other ideas?





I use IE7 too so that isn't the problem. It may well be a problem with the contribution but I can't reproduce it so I'm at a loss as to what to suggest next.



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Thats what I was saying was so strange I didnt change anything.. .It worked then all of a sudden it gives me the can not find link error.


I downloaded the new version link manager 11 but there is no update file for the 1.15 to the new version. Any suggestions?

V 1.15 wasn't one of mine so I supply instructions for it but the update from V 1.14 should work for you.



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You could try installng a clean shop into a sub-directory and installing Links Manager into it. If it works, then it is either the template or something with the installing in your main shop. Other than that, I can't think of anything else to suggest.




Thanks Jack, Im begining to think its something in my template. I now also remember a simular happening to me with a mod about a year ago so maybe its the template - especially since no one else has this issue.


Its nice to see devoted and genorous people like you who will be there-- thanks again Jack. I'll be watchin !! B)

Music is body splash for the soul.

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It might be something in how you have it setup. Try deleting all links and categories and just adding one of each.





I thought I would try using the 14 last night myself so I did. I updated and now I am having the same trouble this other person is. I click on a category and all it does is refresh the page and show me a link like this




thats all it does is refresh. give a new link but its just the categories still, the page goes nowhere. Any suggestions?

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Thanks Jack, Im begining to think its something in my template. I now also remember a simular happening to me with a mod about a year ago so maybe its the template - especially since no one else has this issue.


Its nice to see devoted and genorous people like you who will be there-- thanks again Jack. I'll be watchin !! B)



Jack, a quick update: I disabled "View Categories" , I created one main catagory and now the links show and click to correctly, so its working outside of the main parent categories section. I can live with this - just showing all the links in one catagory. So I won't get the ..domain.net/parentid/|path .. error.

Just in case this gives some insight.


Thanks, this is a very smart link program!!! Im a Happy Camper.


:D :thumbsup:

Music is body splash for the soul.

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Another problem I have is. I have added my information for link exchange it shows just fine in admin, but when I click the link on the site it still has the default information in it,


Our Website Information


Link Name: Link Name

Link Description: My home page sells the best products you can imagine.

Link URL: http://www.myhomepage.com

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Jack, a quick update: I disabled "View Categories" , I created one main catagory and now the links show and click to correctly, so its working outside of the main parent categories section. I can live with this - just showing all the links in one catagory. So I won't get the ..domain.net/parentid/|path .. error.

Just in case this gives some insight.


Thanks, this is a very smart link program!!! Im a Happy Camper.


:D :thumbsup:



Hmm I did the same thing after seeing this persons post and all my links show up now. except for my information of course.


Is there anyway to fix this category issue, I have an adult store and my categories are really important.


Thank you for this mod too, it is wonderful.


Now if I can just get my link info to show, and the category list to work right.

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hmm .. in admin/links.php


1064 - syntax error near '( links_description ld ) on ( l.links_id = ld.links_id ) ' at line 1


select count(*) as total from links l left join ( links_description ld ) on ( l.links_id = ld.links_id )


also in admin/links_status.php


1064 - syntax error near '( links_description ld, links_check lc, links_status ls ) on ( l.links_id = ld.' at line 1


select count(*) as total from links l LEFT JOIN ( links_description ld, links_check lc, links_status ls ) on ( l.links_id = ld.links_id and l.links_id = lc.links_id and l.links_status = ls.links_status_id ) where ls.language_id = '4'


ok .. i checked everything once more .. i rechecked uploads and i still receive following errors;



1064 - syntax error near '( links_description ld, links_check lc, links_status ls ) on ( l.links_id = ld.' at line 1

select count(*) as total from links l LEFT JOIN ( links_description ld, links_check lc, links_status ls ) on ( l.links_id = ld.links_id and l.links_id = lc.links_id and l.links_status = ls.links_status_id ) where ls.language_id = '4'




1064 - syntax error near '( links_description ld ) on ( l.links_id = ld.links_id ) ' at line 1

select count(*) as total from links l left join ( links_description ld ) on ( l.links_id = ld.links_id )




1064 - syntax error near '( links_description ld, links_to_link_categories l2c, link_categories lc ) on (l' at line 1

select l.links_status from links l LEFT JOIN ( links_description ld, links_to_link_categories l2c, link_categories lc ) on (l.links_status = 2 and ld.language_id = '4' and l2c.links_id = l.links_id and lc.parent_id = '0')



catalog/links_submit.php is blank page .. at the moment i cannot view php error reporting :(


thanx for your time ..

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Hmm I did the same thing after seeing this persons post and all my links show up now. except for my information of course.


Is there anyway to fix this category issue, I have an adult store and my categories are really important.


Thank you for this mod too, it is wonderful.


Now if I can just get my link info to show, and the category list to work right.

Did you replace all of your files with the ones in the new version and make the database changes? The link information is just standard oscommerce code. There shouldn't be any reason it is not showing except for an installation error, at least none I can think of. For the category problem, it may be related to the php and/or mysql version you are using. But I can't fix it if I can't see the problem, which I can't. If I find a solution, I will post it but there is no telling when that might be.



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ok .. i checked everything once more .. i rechecked uploads and i still receive following errors;



1064 - syntax error near '( links_description ld, links_check lc, links_status ls ) on ( l.links_id = ld.' at line 1

select count(*) as total from links l LEFT JOIN ( links_description ld, links_check lc, links_status ls ) on ( l.links_id = ld.links_id and l.links_id = lc.links_id and l.links_status = ls.links_status_id ) where ls.language_id = '4'




1064 - syntax error near '( links_description ld ) on ( l.links_id = ld.links_id ) ' at line 1

select count(*) as total from links l left join ( links_description ld ) on ( l.links_id = ld.links_id )




1064 - syntax error near '( links_description ld, links_to_link_categories l2c, link_categories lc ) on (l' at line 1

select l.links_status from links l LEFT JOIN ( links_description ld, links_to_link_categories l2c, link_categories lc ) on (l.links_status = 2 and ld.language_id = '4' and l2c.links_id = l.links_id and lc.parent_id = '0')



catalog/links_submit.php is blank page .. at the moment i cannot view php error reporting :(


thanx for your time ..

Maybe it is related to the language? Have you tried adding a link in English to see if that will work? Also try editing the link and setting the language option to All.



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Did you replace all of your files with the ones in the new version and make the database changes? The link information is just standard oscommerce code. There shouldn't be any reason it is not showing except for an installation error, at least none I can think of. For the category problem, it may be related to the php and/or mysql version you are using. But I can't fix it if I can't see the problem, which I can't. If I find a solution, I will post it but there is no telling when that might be.





I did find the my information problem... I thought you could do it through the admin area like the one before. I didnt realize it had to be done in the php file instead on this one, which I have done. Thank you.


As far as the category page not working, for some reason it just will not go to the page when category is clicked. You can see the link changing in the browser it has the parent id thing and the number changes, but all it does is refresh the page and stay on the categories page. Once you change display links in categories in admin to false it shows all links on one page.

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yes .. the only fix was this one at #19


i still receive

at admin/links.php


I dont want to step on any toes, but just trying to help

I was wondering if you made these changes in phpmyadmin? I was getting the same error until I realized that this had to be done.


2) Run the following command in phpmyadmin:


ALTER TABLE `links` ADD `links_reciprocal_disable` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `links_reciprocal_url` ;

ALTER TABLE `links` ADD `links_reciprocal_check_count` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `links_reciprocal_disable` ;

ALTER TABLE `links` ADD `links_partner_username` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';

ALTER TABLE `links` ADD `links_partner_password` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';

ALTER TABLE `link_categories` ADD `parent_id` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `link_categories_id` ;

ALTER TABLE `link_categories_description` ADD `link_categories_description_subtext` LONGTEXT NULL;

ALTER TABLE `links_featured` ADD `links_all_pages` TINYINT( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';

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Hi there,


I have installed Link Manager II 1.17 and get following error if click on linkmanager in the admin area:


Fatal error: Cannot redeclare tep_set_categories_status() (previously declared in /srv/www/web1/html/catalog/admin/includes/functions/general.php:15) in /srv/www/web1/html/catalog/admin/includes/functions/links.php on line 363


Further I have installed: Enable & Disable Categories 1.6.12


Is there a collision with that contrib?


I've no idea to solve that problem. Please help me...

Edited by Electrodrome
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Hi there,


I have installed Link Manager II 1.17 and get following error if click on linkmanager in the admin area:


Fatal error: Cannot redeclare tep_set_categories_status() (previously declared in /srv/www/web1/html/catalog/admin/includes/functions/general.php:15) in /srv/www/web1/html/catalog/admin/includes/functions/links.php on line 363


Further I have installed: Enable & Disable Categories 1.6.12


Is there a collision with that contrib?


I've no idea to solve that problem. Please help me...


in the file admin/includes/functions/links.php in line 363 is this function:


// Sets the status of a link

function tep_set_categories_status($cat_id, $status) {

return tep_db_query("update " . TABLE_LINK_CATEGORIES . " set link_categories_status = '" . (int)$status . "', link_categories_last_modified = now() where link_categories_id = '" . (int)$cat_id . "'");

if ($status == '10' || $status == '11') {

$status -= 10; //needed to distinguish between links status

return tep_db_query("update " . TABLE_LINK_CATEGORIES . " set link_categories_status = '" . (int)$status . "', link_categories_last_modified = now() where link_categories_id = '" . (int)$cat_id . "'");

} else {

return -1;





the declaration of tep_set_categories_status is the same as in Enable & Disable Categories 1.6.12


In which further files must I modify this tep_set_categories to i.e. tep_set_linkcategories_status ???

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